Kay Ashaolu - Instructor

Aishwarya Sriram - TA

Aside: Errors in Python

Understanding and Handling Errors

The Problem with Print Statements

  • Using print for error messages mixes math logic with program context
  • Example: In a grading program, printing "divisor cannot be zero" confuses users
  • Solution: Use errors to signal exceptional conditions

Raising and Handling Errors

def divide(dividend, divisor):
    if divisor == 0:
        raise ZeroDivisionError("divisor cannot be zero")
    return dividend / divisor

    result = divide(sum(grades), len(grades))
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
    print("There are no grades yet in your list.")
  • Raise: Signal error conditions
  • try/except: Catch and handle exceptions

Chapter 5: Flask-Smorest for Efficient API Development

  • Transition from simple API to a well-structured REST API
  • Enhancing data models, error handling, and documentation
  • Introducing Flask-Smorest, Blueprints, and Marshmallow

Moving from Names to Unique IDs

  • Old Approach: Use store names as identifiers
  • New Approach: Use unique IDs (UUIDs or auto-increment numbers)
  • Benefits:
    • Direct access using dictionaries
    • Simplified and efficient data retrieval

Data Model Transformation


stores = [store1, store2, ...]


stores = {
    store_id1: { ... },
    store_id2: { ... }
  • No more iterating through lists; access data by unique keys

Creating the Database Module


stores = {}
items = {}
  • Centralizes data storage
  • Easily imported into API endpoints

Updating API Endpoints for Unique IDs

def get_store(store_id):
        return stores[store_id]
    except KeyError:
        abort(404, message="Store not found.")
  • Replace name-based endpoints with ID-based ones
  • Simplifies code and error handling

Improved Error Handling with Flask-Smorest

  • Use the abort function from Flask-Smorest
  • Automatically includes error info in the API documentation
from flask_smorest import abort
abort(404, message="Store not found.")

Creating Robust Endpoints: CRUD Operations

  • CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete
  • Organize endpoints logically for items and stores
  • Example for deleting an item:
def delete_item(item_id):
        del items[item_id]
        return {"message": "Item deleted."}
    except KeyError:
        abort(404, message="Item not found.")

Organizing Your API Project

  • Group endpoints into folders (e.g., /items, /stores)
  • Keeps the codebase maintainable
  • Align endpoint organization with API clients (e.g., Insomnia)

Running the API in Docker

  • Why Docker?
    • Mimics production environment
    • Avoids “works on my machine” issues
  • Update Dockerfile to install dependencies from requirements.txt

Enabling Hot Reloading with Docker Volumes

docker run -dp 5005:5000 -v "$PWD":/app flask-smorest-api
  • Maps local directory to container’s /app
  • Automatically updates container when code changes

Introducing Blueprints and MethodViews

  • Blueprints: Modularize API endpoints
  • MethodViews: Map HTTP methods to class methods
from flask.views import MethodView
from flask_smorest import Blueprint

blp = Blueprint("stores", __name__, description="Operations on stores")

class Store(MethodView):
    def get(self, store_id):
        # Retrieve store logic

    def delete(self, store_id):
        # Delete store logic

Registering Blueprints in Your Flask App

  • Import Blueprints and register them with Flask-Smorest’s API
from flask_smorest import Api
from resources.item import blp as ItemBlueprint
from import blp as StoreBlueprint

api = Api(app)
  • Integrates all endpoints and documentation

Introduction to Marshmallow Schemas

  • Purpose: Validate incoming data and serialize outgoing responses
  • Example Item Schema:
from marshmallow import Schema, fields

class ItemSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Str(dump_only=True)
    name = fields.Str(required=True)
    price = fields.Float(required=True)
    store_id = fields.Str(required=True)

Validating API Requests with Marshmallow

  • Use @blp.arguments to validate incoming JSON data
def post(self, item_data):
    # Process validated data
  • Eliminates manual if-checks for required fields

Decorating Responses with Marshmallow

  • Use @blp.response to format outgoing responses
@blp.response(200, ItemSchema)
def get(self, item_id):
    # Return item serialized by ItemSchema
  • Enhances documentation and consistency of responses

Handling Multiple Items with Marshmallow

  • When returning lists, specify many=True
@blp.response(200, ItemSchema(many=True))
def get(self):
    return list(items.values())
  • Automatically serializes a list of items into JSON

Enhanced API Documentation

  • Flask-Smorest integrates with Swagger UI
  • Automatically documents endpoints, schemas, and responses
  • Example: Access API docs at /swagger-ui

Benefits of Using Flask-Smorest & Marshmallow

  • Structured Code: Modular, maintainable endpoints
  • Validation: Clear schema-based validation
  • Documentation: Up-to-date API docs via Swagger UI
  • Error Handling: Consistent error messages and status codes

Best Practices Recap

  • Transition to unique identifiers for data models
  • Organize endpoints with Blueprints and MethodViews
  • Validate and serialize data with Marshmallow
  • Use Docker for consistent development environments

Recap: Chapter 5 Highlights

  • Data Models: Efficient lookup using dictionaries
  • Error Handling: Centralized and documented via Flask-Smorest
  • Blueprints & MethodViews: Clean, modular API structure
  • Marshmallow: Robust data validation and serialization

Full Example

Bringing together serialization and deserialization

  • Use Marshmallow Schemas to validate incoming data (deserialization)
  • Use schemas to format outgoing responses (serialization)
  • Organize endpoints with Flask-Smorest Blueprints and MethodViews

Item Resource Blueprint with Marshmallow

# resources/
from flask.views import MethodView
from flask_smorest import Blueprint, abort
import uuid
from schemas import ItemSchema, ItemUpdateSchema

# In-memory storage for demonstration
items = {}

blp = Blueprint("items", __name__, description="Operations on items")

class Item(MethodView):
    @blp.response(200, ItemSchema)
    def get(self, item_id):
            return items[item_id]
        except KeyError:
            abort(404, message="Item not found.")

    @blp.response(200, ItemSchema)
    def put(self, item_data, item_id):
            item = items[item_id]
        except KeyError:
            abort(404, message="Item not found.")
        return item

    def delete(self, item_id):
            del items[item_id]
            return {"message": "Item deleted."}
        except KeyError:
            abort(404, message="Item not found.")

class ItemList(MethodView):
    @blp.response(200, ItemSchema(many=True))
    def get(self):
        return list(items.values())

    @blp.response(201, ItemSchema)
    def post(self, item_data):
        item_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
        item = {**item_data, "id": item_id}
        items[item_id] = item
        return item
  • @blp.arguments: Validates and deserializes incoming JSON using a schema
  • @blp.response: Serializes outgoing data using a schema

Example Summary

  • Deserialization:

    • Incoming JSON is validated by ItemSchema or ItemUpdateSchema
    • Ensures required fields and types before processing
  • Serialization:

    • Outgoing Python objects are formatted as JSON using the same schemas
    • Guarantees consistent API responses and up-to-date documentation
  • Blueprints & MethodViews:

    • Modular structure for API endpoints
    • Clean separation of HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) within a class
